Restaurant - Bar

Romantic Dining Experience
Reservations: 0531-2305129
Side Turkey
Best Steaks in Side
Our services during the Corona - Time. See you in Conny's


Who we are
Dear all,
After 28 years of hard work in Turkey we, Conny and Ad, we look forward to some rest and are ready to take a step back. The time came, to pass on our dedications to the next generation. We have found the right person to take over our business. She is young and full of positive energy, her name is Sandra.
Many among you will know Sandra, she is from Belgium and she’s living and working in Side for many years now. We became very good friends since 12 years. Sandra can speak Turkish very well. She has a very positive reputation whilst working in tourism and restaurant business in Side.
She grew up in her family’s restaurants in Belgium and not least, Sandra knows Conny’s for years. Many years ago she told us it would be her dream to take over Conny’s one day. That day has come.
Conny’s will continue as you remember it, only we, Conny and Ad will be less in the Picture. Sandra will take over, with the same dedicated staff, Şeref, Mohammed, Kitchen Chef Ahmet, Chef Zeki and Mustafa by her side. We will be frequently present to support her and above all to visit and have a drink with our many regular and dearest guests.
We know that our guests appreciate a personal touch and we are very proud to introduce you to Sandra who will give you that same welcoming feeling and attention. We hope you will take Sandra very quick into your hearts and we wish her the most of luck in her new challenge, Conny’s the New Generation.
Dear Guests,
Thank you for all your visits,
Thank you for all the nice conversations,
Thank you for all those cosy moments,
Thank you for everything, but no worries, you are not rid of us yet!
Big kisses, Conny & Ad
PS: Since December 2019 Sandra was planning to start this season in the beginning of April 2020. Due to the Corona Virus the opening was postponed. We will keep you informed from which date the Conny’s Team will be able to serve and welcome you.
Conny's Boutiquehotel
Restaurant - Bar
Since 1996
© 1996-2020 Copyright Connys Side Turkey. Conny's is a romantic Restaurant in Side with high Hygiene and our speciality is Steaks
International Food; High Service; Affordable Prices. We are opposite of Side Football - Stadium. See you again in 2020.