Restaurant - Bar

Romantic Dining Experience
Reservations: 0531-2305129
Side Turkey
Best Steaks in Side
Our services during the Corona - Time. See you in Conny's


Dinner is served between:
14:00 - 23:00.
Make a choice out of our wide menu. Our staff is more than happy to serve you. When you have special wishes, please ask us. In our Restaurant almost everything is possible.
Try our:
4- or 6 Course Surprismenu

Lunch is served between:
11:00 - 18:00
We hava a wide choice out of: Sandwiches, Snacks, Pasta's. Salads and Egg-Dishes.
Also possible as Take-Away

Breakfast is served between:
08:30 - 14:00
We have the normal Breakfast with an Egg of your choice, Lot's of Fillings, Coffee/Tea and Orange Juice or an English Breakfast with Bacon and Porc Sausages
Every Saturday & Sunday between:
11:00 - 14:00
Conny's: For a complete Evening out, with fun & Entertainment.
Romantic Dining Experience
Since 1996
© 1996-2020 Copyright Connys Side Turkey. Conny's is a romantic Restaurant in Side with high Hygiene and our speciality is Steaks
International Food; High Service; Affordable Prices. We are opposite of Side Football - Stadium. See you again in 2020.